The Last moment

Award-winning Micro Short Film.

Written, Directed & Produced by Sergio Serrano Castillo.


Caroline and Rick are a young couple that has a vehement fight one night. The tension makes Caroline to say tough words to Rick, who leaves the house sadly. Rick’s distraction at the wheel because of his nerves provokes a hard car crash that makes his life end. Time goes by but Caroline still feels agony, and those words bounce in her head forever.


Caroline y Rick son una pareja joven que tiene una pelea vehemente una noche. La tensión hace que Caroline le diga palabras duras a Rick, quien sale triste de la casa. La distracción de Rick al volante a causa de sus nervios provoca un duro accidente automovilístico que pone fin a su vida. El tiempo pasa, pero Caroline aún siente agonía, y esas palabras resuenan en su cabeza para siempre.

How Can I Help You?

Short Film. In Post-Production.

Written, Directed & Produced by Sergio Serrano Castillo.


Zach is a writer who works in a publishing company. His life is a spiral of emptiness, in which his social circle doesn’t even recognize his efforts and progress, including his boss, mom, and three bullies who try to ridicule him in front of the girl he loves. His best friend, Tyler, is his only support until one day a virtual assistant shows ups in his life and brings help to him with her particular method, creating chaos to reestablish the natural way of things.


Zach es un escritor que trabaja en una editorial. Su vida es una espiral de vacío, en la que su círculo social ni siquiera reconoce sus esfuerzos y avances, incluidos su jefe, su madre y tres matones que intentan ridiculizarlo frente a la chica que ama. Su mejor amigo, Tyler, es su único apoyo hasta que un día una asistente virtual aparece en su vida y le brinda ayuda con su particular método, creando caos para restablecer la forma natural de las cosas.


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